Friday, February 12, 2010

Best Place to Live

1. France
2. Australia
3. Switzerland
4. Germany
5. New Zealand
6. Luxembourg
7. The U.S.
8. Belgium
9. Canada

Read more here

Promises unkept

Its been a little more than a year since the time America had chosen its new leader. A leader who had mobilized the masses, the youngsters and the optimists, showing them a dream and giving them a hope of bringing back their lost dignity.

Huge strategic promises were made while the entire world watched -- everyone thought that this man could be the leader a nation as big and powerful like the United States was waiting for.

Bringing an end to the Overseas Contingency Operation, bringing back the lost jobs, assisting in Palestine-Isreal conflict and more..

I read here Obama admitted and apologized for not being able to understand the difficulties involved in restarting the peace process (bet. Israel and Palestine).

Like its said, playing a leader on stage is much different than actually being a leader.

You cant have what I have!

More often than not, when I read any news item, there has to a mention of the United States. I am amazed with the ability of this nation to some how make itself a part of virtually everything - play the devil and then pose as the greatest well wisher.

Recently the news Iran developing Uranium Enrichment Plants is making the powerful and pseudo-threatened countries frown.

According to Iran, the big powers had promised to provide it with fuel rods made from low-enriched Uranium for a medical reactor. But since this UN - brokered plan collapsed, Iran decided to go ahead and develop technology to enrich the Uranium to upto 20% from its existing capability of enriching it upto 3.5% thereby sufficing its own needs.

Now, why is the west so afraid of letting a nation do what it wants to with its own resources and without causing harm to others? Say for a moment we even believe that Iran is steadily moving toward making nuclear arms (given the fact that Uranium needs to be enriched to almost 90% to make bombs), even then countries like US, France and Israel should not get angry, simply because they are themselves armed with hi-tech nuclear and biological warfare. It almost reduces to being fear of losing the position of power which a deadly weapon brings.

If these nations are seriously concerned and are against nuclear armmaments, then why dont all of them destroy their weapons or they all come together at a central place and deposit their weapons into safe custody. As funny as it may sound, if they cant do this, they should not expect that the rest of the world does not have the right to build up their own defenses.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fable from Heaven on Earth. Part 1

It was a green spring morning and the eagle soared high in the sky, on one side there were tulip valleys all around and the fragrance of flowers filled the air and on the other side were the valleys full of the mighty chinars and tall pine trees. Amid the spectacular landscape was a kingdom of birds. Beautiful birds - of every color and every kind, amongst them was the 'Raaz-E-Haanz' - he was the one with the sharpness of a new sword, the body of a carefully handcrafted sculpture and unmatched royalty. Just like they have in fairy tales, it was a utopian kingdom - with no jealously, no pride, abundant food and peace and happiness. But like fate had it, one day ..

Part 2 to follow..


I was first from last!


Did you just say that you are waiting for the weekend to arrive soon, so that you get to meet your special person who gives you hope and strength to walk thru these twisted roads of life? Take my advise, dont wait. I learned it the hard way, and like its often said that advice is like kissing, always pleasant to give, so please let me indulge. :-)

However, I am quite certain that none of you will listen to me. Each one of you will learn the hard way - thats life. No one can save anyone from going thru another little hell .. we all learn the lessons of life the way they are supposed to be learnt -- by experience.

Oh by the way, I am not saying that you should not wait because you should do it right here right now and all that jazz.. I am saying this because you are responsible for your own happiness. If you thought its someone elses duty to make you happy, you are grossly mistaken. Trust me. I learnt it. And earlier I used to be defensive about it because I used to think loving someone also meant what you want to do certain things for that someone which on a regular day you might not do. :-) .. I remember reading somewhere 'with great love comes great responsibilities' .. but i think the meaning of 'great' and 'responsibility' here are ambiguous... I think there is certain intellectualism in ambiguity. :-) .. If you cant understand something, its intellectual - its beyond you!

YOU are reponsible for your own happiness and there is nothing in this world you cant live without. Not even 'Hope'. I used to be a very strong believer that till the time a person has 'hopes' (read dreams) a person is not poor (read dead). I realized that all these are just mere concepts. You can live without everything -- provided you dont desert yourself.

You should love people from whom you expect nothing, you should not waste your energies loving people whom you need.
Love the less fortunate, the happiness you will get cant be explained in words -- all I shall say is that it will be much better than the happiness that you expect to get on the weekend for which you were waiting.

The opposite of Love is not Hate. It is indifference.

Freedom from wires!

After years and years of hearing about wi-fi enabled homes, today I am staying in one!
Hopefully, that means that I can now be 'online' at the comfort of my bed.

And hopefully that will translate into frequent posts.

Am not sure if any of you are glad to hear this, but I am..

I get so many ideas.. I wish to write but then I get lazy.

So now with wi-fi, I have only less excuse!

:-) .. cheers to my first wi-fi post!