Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Backlog 3

Salman Rushdie said in an interview that if, injustice is no longer done on minority communities and if reversible wrongs were undone, would terrorist groups cease to exist?
He think, possibly no. And he reasons out.
Before I tell you why he thinks this way, I would like to know your view, Pl write.

Backlog 2

PPP's political agenda remains same as it was during the time of Benazir Bhutto - roti, kapda aur makaan. In addition to that, they have another agenda -- to find the killers of Benazir.

At this time when Pakistan is increasingly becoming a breeding ground for terrorists and when it herself faces threat from the taliban and angry foreign nations, does it mean anything to look for Benazirs killers? Or, rather they should focus on securing their nation and their people and thereby securing the world at large.

I know its easier said than done, but devoting time at this hour of urgency for spilled milk is uncalled for.

Backlog 1

Eminent theater person, Late Vijay Tendulkar said in an interview that ever time atrocities happen, riots happen, the powerful leftist unions are non-existant. Once the riots stop, they come out in the streets with peace marches.

tick tock

I have been wanting to write for a long long time but there is so much of work pressure these days that I cant even take a breath of relief through out the day.. and at night my energy fails me. Not finding time to write is making me quite upset.. but what to do...